Reckoning Africa's Path through Cosmos

Like most newspaper titles, the name,, has a geographical component and a general description of its contents. 

Africa's Astrological Connections

Africa, its 55 nations and more than 1 billion people, the terrestrial coordinates of each nation and their overall state of affairs.  Astrologer, pertaining to astrology or the general energetic condition of Africa’s spatial environment in a cycle of time. These two names relate to Africa’s Astrological Connections

Click for information on new Africa Astrology book initially describes its overall focus, by the interplay of its two names.

Provides useful information on certain current circumstances in Africa. This pertains to Africa’s Astrological connections. The cultural, political, social, economic and conflict situations, all lend themselves to computation. Relating esoteric influences, astronomic and astrological events to African nations allows additional key information to come to the fore.

What is promoted as news in general and Africa in particular, is concerned with the outer world of appearances. The News (North, East, West and South), functions under these rules. Yet energetically, there are a multitude of internals, in the form of celestial and esoteric currents, which operate through and upon the domain of appearances. offers in-depth analysis and spiritually practical actionable information, through The African Astrologer Letter. The letter addresses what is going on some African nations, in terms of  the relationships between nations and the chemistry of the luminaries. The letter explains where these nations are, on the cosmic conveyer belt, at a given time. Celestial energies are constantly Bridge of Glory, 1923 by Nicholas Roerich circulating throughout the field of space. These energies move into confluence with certain African nations, at different periods.