
Algeria Astrology Piece

Algeria’s tropical Ascendant (10VI41)
Algeria’s tropical Midheaven (10GE14)

In Biskra it was All Saints Day on Monday morning, 1 November 1954. Mercury was retrograde at the time, and a series of miscalculations in timing led to a number of blunders for the Algerian rebels. With orders from the CRUA,83 the rebels assailed a police station leaving two dead and a wounded
commissioner of police. This happened at 2:30 am in the old garrison town of Biskra near the Aurés Mountains on the brink of the Algerian Sahara. Detailed orders were given by Ben Boulaid that no shots were to be fired before 3:00 am. The 2:30 am attack (a half-hour early) was the first mistake that alerted the French of the general uprising.

Responding to the attack, Premier Pierre Mendes of France addressed the French National Assembly saying:
“One does not compromise when it comes to defending the internal peace of the nation, the unity and integrity of the Republic. The Algerian departments are part of the French Republic…they are irrevocably French…there can be no conceivable secession.”

Algerian Desert, CIA Factbook


CRUA was created by Ahmed Ben Bella (future Algerian head-of-state) and had nine leaders. It organized a network of six military regions in Algeria, and gained support from foreign countries in order to acquire the equipment to carry out the group’s mission: amassing arms, supplies and funds. The National Liberation Front (FLN) attacked military installations, police post, communications facilities, public utilities and warehouses.

Taken from Celestial Configurations of Africa and the Caribbean

The African Astrologer Report on Algeria, coming soon.