
Benin Astrology Piece

Benin’s tropical Ascendant (0TA39)
Benin’s tropical Midheaven (25CA13)

Benin’s natal Venus conjoins natal Uranus in Leo in the 4th House. Venus rules Benin’s Ascendant. This single measurement puts the sensibilities of the nation into a spiritual matrix. Contact with the higher more subtle worlds is a spiritual heritage.

From mid to late March of 2023 transiting Pluto’s contact with the Ascendant-Descendant axis has corresponded to increased vigilance at the northern border. As a Gulf of Guinea state, Benin’s border, like Togo’s and Ghana’s, must ramp up their security against attacks from militant groups coming through the semi-arid region that separates the Sahara from the Savanna. The charts of Togo and Benin present natal Ascendants that will receive stronger contacts from Pluto by January 2024.

By that time a stronger border will be required to secure Benin.

The African Astrologer Report for Benin coming Soon