Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso/Astrology Piece

Burkina Faso’s tropical Ascendant (18TA40)
Burkina Faso’s tropical Midheaven (9AQ50)

When transiting Uranus opposed natal prog. Venus the military took control of Burkina Faso’s government, on Monday, 24 Jan. 2022. Uranus rules the 10th House of government and Venus rules the 6th House of the military. Transiting Uranus was in the 12th House, where plans like coups can be made under the radar. Prog. Venus was in the 6th House of the military. These sectors and their rulers defined a split between President Roch Marc Christian KaborĂ© and the Burkina Faso Armed Forces.

Transiting Uranus (sudden disruptions of status quo) was 1 deg. 16 min. from exact square with the natal Sun in the 4th House. Another confirmation was transiting Jupiter in the sign of endings (Pisces). It was in the 10th House opposed natal Pluto (powerful collective forces) in Virgo (civil servants/military). also, Jupiter rules the 8th House (cabinet members), which includes a minister of defense).

Transiting Mars applies to conjunction with natal Uranus. Attacks from armed groups. Also applies to a square with the natal Ascendant. This happens late June and early July. Transiting Uranus reaches closest to a square with natal Uranus in the 4th, by Tuesday 29 Aug.

Increased military presence near borders and towns are keys to safeguarding citizens.

Nasa Photo of Ouagadougou


The African Astrologer Report on Burkina Faso coming soon.