
Burundi Astrology Piece

Burundi’s tropical Ascendant (8AR20)
Burundi’s tropical Midheaven (7CAP13)

Uranus will get within 62 minutes of Burundi’s natal Mars on 25 August to 2 September 2023. It also cuts across it on Friday, 31 May 2024. This will be the first time the transit of Uranus will conjoin natal Mars.

Burundi will progress, via its Ascendant, into the 3rd House of neighboring countries, come June 2024. Test may come involving Burundi’s northern neighbor Rwanda. Harmonious relations will prove highly important, because of the hairpin trigger-effect that the transit of Uranus and the prog. Ascendant bring to Burundi.

Thee natal Mars-Uranus square will be charged by the beginning of September this year. The natal Moon’s sextile with Uranus will be useful, through constructive talking (Moon in Gemini in the 3rd) about brotherhood-sisterhood (Uranus).

Natal Pluto sextiles the natal Sun-IC conjunction in Cancer. When Burundi’s prog. Midheaven reaches the opposition with natal Pluto or just reaches the same 7th deg., big government moves will be executed. This measurement occurs mid-May 2024. The prog. Midheaven will also conjunct prog. Jupiter.