
Cameroon Astrology Piece

Based on Cameroon’s birth chart for 1 October 1961

Cameroon’s tropical Ascendant (5CAN15)
Cameroon’s tropical Midheaven (4AR17)

The Anglophone Crisis or Ambazonia War

Began on 9 September 2017, as the 10th House transit of Uranus (8th House ruler) trined natal Uranus and opposed natal Mars. Mars rules the 10th House. Uranus (revolutions) rules the 8th House (death).

All three entities: 

Mars (to fight, violence)
Uranus (sudden change brough by revolutions)
8th House (death, mortality rate)

are connected through affinity.

The revolutionary nature of this part of the country is also intensified shown by the prog. Ascendant conjoined natal Uranus.

As a hinge joint connects or links two limbs; so does Cameroon connect Nigeria in West Africa with all of Central Africa. Gemini’s glyph of two vertical lines are not connected. With the merger of British and French Cameroon, this constellation (on the Ascendant) was representative of the union that became the Republic of Cameroon. The Lord of the Horoscope is Mercury, inhabiting Libra, the sign of partnership. Both signs represent duality and polarity, but Libra relates more to the equilibrium of the two lines represented by Gemini.

Please see Astrology, Cameroon and the Elections of October 2025.