
Congo-Kinshasa Astrology Piece

Congo-Kinshasa’s tropical Ascendant (9AR2)
Congo-Kinshasa’s tropical Midheaven (7CAP52)

The Congo is approaching a new powershift in its reputation and government. The prog. Moon in Capricorn makes its 3rd conjunction with the 10th House. More people will be aware of the violence to the people of the land. Transiting r/Pluto in the 10th opposes natal Mercury in the 4th.

Mercury rules the 3rd House of all nearby neighborhoods and streets. It also rules the 6th House of the military. This aspect is active now and will increase in intensity in a few days. (By Sat. 14 June). Pluto will be within orb of opposition to natal Mercury, until the end of January 2024. Reports of sexual abuses against women, girls and children may increase during this cycle.

The 4th House shows the interplay or conjunction of forces:

. Sun conjunct Venus in Cancer
. Both are inside the 4th House (camps for displaced people)
. The 4th House ruler, Moon, rules the military 6th House.

People can help to mitigate these warnings through scientific thought buttressed by holy prayer and whatever useful consciousness technology tools they posses. Calling to Archangel Michael and His Legions of angels, to bless each man, woman and child in Congo-Kinshasa, with the sacred fire of heaven, can help bring in a cosmic cycle of light into this activity of darkness.



Statue of St. Michael slaying the dragon, Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago. 

The African Astrologer Report for Congo-Kinshasa, coming soon.