Congo Republic

Congo Republic Astrology Piece

Republic of the Congo tropical Ascendant (24TA47)
Republic of the Congo tropical Midheaven (21AQ31)

As it stands now, transiting Uranus squares the 4/10 axis. The government in power and groups not in power.
Transiting Uranus also squares natal Uranus (10th House ruler). These two measurements are coming from invisible forces inside the country. the 12th House is the sector of foreign or non-state actors.

Within the collective psyche of the people of Congo Republic, is this upwelling current of sudden change.

In addition to this transiting Uranus also sextiles the prog. Ascendant, the country and the people’s overall psychology. On thing is that Uranus already conjoins the 4th House, so the energy of unexpectedness can be better managed.

Paratroopers (prog. Uranus) landed in Brazzaville to take it over, while a couple of hundred or more Cuban troopers (prog. Pluto) living in Brazzaville, helped to thwart an attempted coup against President Alphonse Massamba-Débat, who was away. The Cuban troops prevented the paratroopers from seizing telecommunication sectors. Uranus rules the House of opposition to the government, while Pluto rules the 7th House of foreign affairs/relations.

Both prog. Uranus-Pluto were conjunct the North Node in the 4th House. Contacts (North Node) between these two military groups was sudden, intense and potentially deadly.

Transiting Jupiter, ruler 8th House of foreign resources (Cuban Troops) in the 2nd House (the country’s possessions) semi-squared the natal Moon in the 1st House. It also semi-squared the prog. Ascendant. Both were in conjunction at 0 deg. Gemini, the quintessential sign of communication. Once more, the Moon rules the 3rd House.

The African Astrologer Report for Republic of the Congo, coming soon.