
Egypt Astrology Piece

Egypt’s tropical Ascendant (22LE59)
Egypt’s tropical Midheaven (19TA35)

Cancer Ingress of 2023

We will examine a few things from Egypt’s Cancer Ingress. It showcases the Moon in Sagittarius (foreign people/foreign lands) just inside the 10th cusp. The people draw much attention from the government. The Piscean Ascendant describes the flood of refugees into the country. Neptune supports the theme by its place in the 1st House.

Saturn in the 1st House shows that the government organizes or processes i.e., through the U.N refugee agency (Saturn) the influx of displaced people (Pisces).

The 3rd House of neighboring countries contains Uranus of revolutions, which rules the 12th House of refugees. The Ingress occurred in the 4th Houses. So the land and people of Egypt are hosting disestablished Ethiopians, Sudanese, Ugandans, Syrians and Congolese.

The Sun, Mercury and Venus are all in Cancer. All three planets trine the Ascendant. And the ruler Moon is in the 10th. Neptune sextiles Pluto, the 9th House ruler.

It appears that the refugees are a major focus.