
Lesotho Astrology Piece

Lesotho’s tropical Ascendant (25GE53) (sidereal 3GE56)
Lesotho’s tropical Midheaven (10AR30) sidereal 18PI34)

The major conditions in Basutoland (Lesotho) before and during independence, concerned the locus of power and who would wield the majority of it. The sidereal Pisces Midheaven suggested an uneasy interplay between two political intentions, the monarchy, prime minister and who makes the nation’s policies.

The Gemini Ascendant emphasized a pull between opposites, from the beginning. The tropical Libran Sun warned of problems to come if political forces were out-of-balance. King Moshoeshoe II (Mo-shway-shway) and Chief Leabua Jonathan, the prime minister, had a dispute over power. Basutoland (landlocked and bordered around by South Africa) became the kingdom of Lesotho on midnight, Tuesday, 4 October 1966. (Page E3 of the Oakland Tribune, and page 2-B of the Abilene Reporter-News.)


The African Astrologer Report, coming soon.