
Malawi Astrology Piece

Malawi’s tropical Ascendant (18AR33)
Malawi’s tropical Midheaven (17CAP41)

To govern by controlling the political apparatus, is how Malawi organized its executive authority after independence. In the context of its one-party system, Malawi’s Capricornian 10th House cusp emphasized the state’s power to manage all its political pieces.

At independence, 6 July 1964, Mars had already past the square with its larger counterpart (Pluto), ruler of the prime minister’s cabinet (8th House). Not long afterwards several if not most of the cabinet were dismissed, due to conflicting views. Both Mars and Pluto ruled the 8th House. The Malawi Congress Party (MCP) would be the only political party, under Prime Minister Hastings Kamuzu Banda. This can be seen in the chart’s solar arc Saturn’s opposition to natal Uranus.

Banda employed a sudden political maneuver (Uranus) to centralize MCP power. Saturn (executive branch) retrograde ruled the 10th and co-ruled the 11th House of the legislature. Its opposition was to the 11th House ruler Uranus). And this exclusive control lasted until 66 days after Malawi’s Saturn Return. Banda died on 24 May 1994.

The African Astrologer Report for Malawi, coming soon.