
Mauritania Astrology Piece

Mauritania’s tropical Ascendant (23LE12)
Mauritania’s tropical Midheaven (23TA20)

Transiting r/Mars was conjunct the prog. Mauritanian Midheaven by 20 min. At that time the military and presidential guard launched a coup that removed President Maaouva Ould Sid’Ahmed Tayi from office. Prog. Mars also squared the prog. Ascendant by degree.

It was reported as a bloodless coup.
Transiting Pluto trined the natal Ascendant and formed an inconjunct with the natal Midheaven.
Transiting Pluto rules the 4th House of those opposed to the existing government.
Transiting Uranus opposed natal Pluto, ruler of the 4th, in the 1st.
Prog. Moon, 12th House ruler of hidden activities, was conjunct prog. Neptune, ruler 8th House.

In this event all water houses are involved, which are statistically bent to keep things out of the open.

At this writing, 6 June 2023, transiting Uranus is set to exactly conjoin Mauritania’s 10th cusp. The prog. Moon moves to oppose natal Saturn, ruler of the military 6th House. The prog. Ascendant is poised to leave the 2nd House, which usually corresponds to a new opening and new energies for a country.