
Astrology Piece

Namibia’s tropical Ascendant (1CAP4)
Namibia’s tropical Midheaven (19VI58)

Aries (Namibia’s tropical birth sign) is the beginning of the tropical zodiac and this country’s Uranus, conjunct the Ascendant, helps it to take a lead in changing with the times.

In 1999, when the SA Ascendant formed a conjunction with Uranus, De Beers opened a diamond-polishing factory (Aries). Five years later, with SA Ascendant conjunct Neptune (dazzling beauty, glamour, highly polished surfaces) and the Moon (the people), over 600 Namibians were being taught how to cut and polish diamonds, by overseas trainers (Jupiter in the Seventh House, teachers from abroad).

Jupiter is on the horizon line. This occurred in 2004, and was started by Lev Leviev, a billionaire from Israel. Tropical Uranus, in the First House, keenly affects Namibia’s trade in the Aquarian Third House. The chart is calculated for Windhoek (the capital and largest city of the Republic of Namibia) at 12:22 am.

The African Astrologer Report for Namibia, coming soon.