
Niger Astrology Piece

Niger’s tropical Ascendant (4TA3)
Niger’s tropical Midheaven (26CAP37)

Modern Niger [Nee jer] was born at midnight, on 3 August 1960. Niger is one of 29 African states that has the natal Sun in its 4th House. The 4th is the foundation and the natural house of Cancer. It is the soil underneath that provides life support, through food, clothing and shelter.

Sep/30 Niger’s Prog. Mars-Ascendant conjunction, coupled with the prog. Aries Midheaven at zero and the prog. Moon at 14 Aries, is associated with the recent attacks against military personnel in Niger.

Will discuss this in more detail soon.


Aug./16 Pluto’s transit is 2 deg. 32 min. into Niger’s 10th House. It rules the 7th (War) House of foreign relations.

Prog. Mars conjoins Niger’s prog. Asc.
The prog. Midheaven sextiles natal Mars
Prog. AR Moon trine the natal SAG Moon (public) and square natal Saturn, ruler 10th House (executive branch of Gov.) The prog. Moon rules the 4th House of people not in power. The Nigerien government undergoes a complete overhaul, especially, by late March 2024.

June/18 Today, on 18 June 2023, Niger’s progressed Midheaven is intercepted in the 12th House. It occupies the Aries Point. This is a major shift of energy for Niger’s government. The prog. MC also sextiles natal Mars in Gemini. Mars co-rules the 12th House of hidden enemies.

Niger’s prog. Ascendant conjunct prog. Mars, are in the 3rd House of roads and neighboring countries. Previous attacks from the Sahel region, along the border with Burkina Faso, correspond to this.

Transiting r/Pluto is in the 10th House and close to the natal MC.
The prog. Moon in Aries is intercepted in the 12th House. All in all Niger is at an energetic point-of-crisis.
The prog. Moon forms a grand trine to the natal Moon in Sagittarius in the 8th and the natal Sun in the 4th.

From the above measurements, endings on many fronts are indicated.

The African Astrologer Report for Niger, coming soon.