Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Astrology Piece

Sierra Leone’s tropical Ascendant (16CAP33)
Sierra Leone’s tropical Midheaven (23LI13)

10 August 2022 Transiting r/Pluto in the 1st House (Sierra Leone) was opposing natal Mars, ruler 4th House, in the 7th of public gatherings. Mars in Cancer rules the 4th House of the land and the people in it. Anti-government protest was in tandem with Freetown’s astrology.

Pluto in Capricorn here illustrates the gathered momentum of mass will (Pluto) reaching a point-of-crisis against the government (Capricorn). The prog. Ascendant having just entered the 3rd House of roads and neighborhoods, oppose the 9th House natal Moon in Virgo.

19 June 2023 transiting Uranus is about to enter the 5th House, while being in sextile with the prog. Ascendant. More expressed rebellion by the people against the way things are. The 5th is the presidential 8th House. The president’s position is very unstable, and will become more weekend by November.

Transiting r/Uranus conjunct prog. Venus, 10th House ruler.
Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Saturn, 1st House ruler, by late December and early January 2024.

The African Astrologer Report on Sierra Leone, coming soon.