
Tanzania Astrology Piece

Tanzania’s tropical Ascendant (28CAP36)
Tanzania’s tropical Midheaven (00SC17)

In Tanzania transiting Pluto r/< hovers around the Ascendant. It opposes the 7th House. It is within a degree from squaring the 4/10 axis. The whole country receives impartations of profound change. From the bottom up. The government and the people it has vowed to serve are both recipients of the message of Pluto:

Destroy unreality
Come up higher
Use high-tech systems constructively

The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) has introduced the National e-Procurement System of Tanzania-NeST).  The Aquarian portion of the 1st House, where Pluto recently was, agrees in time with a new procurement system. This system mirrors Pluto in Aquarius, because it is electronic in nature and is becomng ubiquitous throughout the country’s business sector.

NeST will cover all aspects of procurement and it will do so through Aquarian technology.

Dar es salaam (Abode of Peace)

By Monday 22, January 2024, Pluto hits (0AQ1). Artificial Intelligence, via, NeST, will delineate the procurement process. It will influence “14 government systems,” according to Dr Leonada Mwagike  The astrology pans out. The recent Saturn Return, Tuesday, 4 April 2023, supports a fresh outlook for the country. (Saturn rules the 1st House.)

Sellers are compelled (Pluto to go through the new system (AQ), if they desire to compete for contracts.

The government will be challenged to profoundly alter the way it governs its people. Opposition parties may clash with the appearances of things as they are. AI must be handled with God-Wisdom.

The African Astrologer Report for Tanzania, coming soon.