The Gambia

The Gambia Astrology Piece

The Gambia’s tropical Ascendant (9SC53)
The Gambia’s tropical Midheaven (8LE40)

Reckoning TG’s Horoscope 29 years later

To look at a the natal horoscope of a country and find several references leading to a major change of power, requires, a working comprehension of many factors. When Lieutenant Yahya Jammeh seized control of The Gambia, on Friday, 22 July 1994, the conditions surrounding the event mirrored the Ingress chart that was calculated for its coordinates. Consider the interplay between the natal 10th House of the ruling government and the 1st House (The country as a whole).

Three Factors that Pointed to an Interruption of The Gamiba’s Status

1.) The natal 10th House cusp (8LE) of The Gambia wound up on the Ascendant of the Cancer Ingress of 1994. The ingress chart’s 1st House emphasized or called attention to the executive branch of government and President Dawda Jawara. An astrologically aware cabinet Minister of Astrology would have assessed this, much earlier, and advised the president. He or she would have showed him the problems and their causes followed by those divine solutions, which would have enabled the country to experienced a higher vibration, reflected in all its departments.

2.) Another confirming measurement for a focus on the Jawara government was Venus, in the Cancer Ingress. It was co-ruler of the natal 10th House and near the Ingress Ascendant and slightly inside the 12th House.

3.) Aries was on the 10th House cusp and Mars (junior offices of the GNA) ruled the 10th and was intercepted in the 10th. Mars trined Neptune (secret plot to overthrow government) and Uranus (forces challenging status quo). Both Uranus and Neptune were in the 6th House of the GNA (Gambian National Army).

All of the above were based on the Cancer Ingress, just one day before the coup.

The African Astrologer Report for The Gambia, coming soon.