
Togo Astrology Piece

Togo’s tropical natal Ascendant (1AQ59)
Togo’s tropical natal Midheaven (8SC50)

On Sunday, 13 January 1963, the first major shift in Togo’s government, involving the assassination of president Sylvanus Olympio, was transiting Saturn was in Togo’s 1st House, which was less than 3o minutes from exact square with its SA Scorpio Midheaven.
Transiting Pluto in the 8th House sextiled the SA Midheaven. Transiting Jupiter trined the SA Midheaven.
The progressed Moon, ruler 6th House (military) was 49 minutes past the square with Mars (co-ruler of the presidential 10th House).
Transiting Uranus was 10 minutes past an inconjunct with the progressed Ascendant.

Togo 12 April 2024

The coming Pluto transit to Togo’s Ascendant, on 12 April 2024, brings potentially destructive currents to the whole country.

The northern part of Togo and what some news calls a Jihadist presence there was reported earlier in 2023, when transiting Pluto was less then a degree from the Ascendant. at this writing, r/Pluto is 29 deg. Capricorn. There is time to prepare, at least until late November, for any eventuality.

Stay tuned for The African Astrologer Report on Togo