
Tunisia Astrology Piece

Tunisia’s tropical Ascendant (20VI26)
Tunisia’s tropical Midheaven (19GE18)

At a radio station in Tunis, the capital of Tunisia, Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, Prime Minister of Tunisia under President Habib Bourguiba, announced that he was taking over the responsibilities of running the government.

This move didn’t have all the elements of a coup d’etat. The military didn’t act to unseat the head-of-state by force. The move was brought to bear through the invocation of Article 57 of the nation’s Constitution. By Friday, 7 November 1987, Ben Ali had been the prime minister for only 38 days. After physicians deemed President Bourguiba incompetent to continue as president-for-life, the prime minister announced over the radio, at 6:30 am, his accession to the highest office in Tunisia.

During the broadcast, Tunisia’s progressed Ascendant was conjunct the Second House cusp (threshold of a new beginning) and trined progressed Venus, ruler of the 10th House (head-of-state). The progressed Moon (people) was trine natal Venus, transiting Mars was trine the 10th House cusp and transiting Saturn opposed the Midheaven.