
Zambia Astrology Piece

Zambia’s tropical Ascendant (22CAN34) sidereal Ascendant (0CAN39)
Zambia’s tropical Midheaven ((2TA50) sidereal Midheaven (10AR55)

Fire plays a key role in the natal sideral chart. Here’s a quote about this, from Celestial Configurations of Africa and the Caribbean:

Zambia exports electricity. We can see this by observing its sidereal-Leonian Second House, ruled by the Sun (the greatest source of electricity to our planet) and Uranus (ruler of electricity) in Leo in the 2nd House.

Aquarius, the 8th House ruler of financial relations with other countries, has Uranian rulership.

Author Pascal Belda wrote that Zambia has been exporting electricity to South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Tanzania. Regarding natal Venus, according to Belda, in 2007, the country was ranked the fourth largest producer of copper in the world. Venus (ruler of copper) is in Zambia’s Second House. Venus also rules the Eleventh House of government revenue and the Fourth House of mining. These are some examples of how Zambia’s astrology relates to her economic reality.

The African Astrologer Report for Zambia, coming soon.