
Zimbabwe Astrology Piece

Zimbabwe’s tropical Ascendant (1AQ38)
Zimbabwe’s tropical Midheaven (29LI17)

The solar eclipse on 20 April 2023 occurred on the country’s 4th House cusp. 29AR. An opposition party called CCC has challenged the country’s ruling ZANU-PF.

On Wednesday, 23 August 2023, citizens will elect a new president. On that day, transiting Uranus will still be in opposition to prog. Uranus, ruler of the Ascendant. Both natal, prog. and transiting Uranus will be intercepted inside the 4th and 10th houses.

The 29th degree usually indicates a point-of-crisis that leads to important changes. By February of 2024 transiting Pluto will conjunct the country’s Ascendant, for the second time.