Chart(s) Graphic

Natal Chart = 5$ USD Western or Vedic


The natal chart, sometimes called a birth chart, is a map of intersecting currents.

It is useful for those who desire greater comprehension of some of the cosmic qualities and pressures, pertaining to the chemistry of space, at birth. The chart by default is a standard western astrology chart in the form of a circle or wheel. It is presented in standard tropical format. You may choose the sidereal format, when sending me your birth-data.

Please click here for Vedic/Hindu natal chart graphics.

Relocation Chart = 7$ USD


Relocation Charts relate your birth chart to a location other than your place of birth. Usually the Rising sign changes, due to differences in the coordinates of your new residence. This new information can be helpful as your desire greater comprehension of the degrees of ease and tension you may experience, when living away from your birth-place.

Please email or text the Birth-datetime and-place of birth, via the connect page

All charts will be sent ASAP, if possible.