Astrology of 5th Pan-African Congress

Fifth Pan-African Congress or pan (sic) African Meeting



Innovative exchanges of actionable ideas was related to the politics of independence. This was the theme and astrology of 5th Pan-African Congress. The Libran Sun was in the 11th House of fraternal organizations. The Aquarian Moon, placed in the 2nd House of the immediate future, struck a resonant tone that reflected the intent of the meeting.Monument commemorating the Fifth Pan African Congress

Astrology of 5th Pan-African Congress

The Sun, Moon and Ascendant mirrored intense discussions about the struggle for freedom of Africans in Africa and abroad. The struggle can be sensed from the Moon sesquiquadrate Uranus r/. There was a new vision, related to the Moon-trine Neptune. This appeared to relate people of African descent to a universal paradigm.

The meeting’s agenda in Manchester, England was set for Monday, 15 October 1945. It was to start at 10 am for the 1st session. With Scorpio rising, the chart ruler was Pluto in Leo in the 9th House.

The Executive Committee of the Pan-African Federation, sent invitations to organizations (11th House). This action was in sympathy to the hopes and aspirations (11th House) of subject peoples. Many Fraternal delegates (11th House reference), were invited to represent their organizations. Notice the many clear affinities, so far, to the 11th House.

The Aquarian Moon opposed the Pluto in Leo in the 3rd 9th axis. This could be construed as pointing to African people (Moon) subjected to extreme control by powerful collectives (Pluto) from outside Africa (9th House).

So, this also applied to Africans in other places (9th House) around the world. The Moon was in the same degree as the nodal axis. This brought the critical element of urgency into the proceedings. Cancer was intercepted in the 8th House, another point of tension for the Moon. Mars was co-ruler of the Scorpio Ascendant and in Cancer.

Here’s a useful link: Center for African Studies, University of Leeds

Agenda documented date, time and place was sent to me from a library assistant from: Ahmed Iqbal Ullah RACE Centre, The University of Manchester, Manchester Central Library, Lower Ground Floor, St Peters Square, Manchester, M2 5PD

Link to Africa’s Astrology book project